
Saturday 2 February 2019

Martian Civilians-A work in progress.

Some of you may remember my DIY Martian marines made from Perry and Agema (now found at North Star miniatures) plastic sprues. Well since I had more access to the internet lately I'd recently read the wonderful from from the jolly good chap and how he is expanding his civilian sets.

Ever the nosey parker me popped some suggestions on his page. Well sitting here tonight with the fire blazing and snow out side I just thought why not show some examples you clot. Giving advice is one thing but putting your money where your mouth is another.

So below are some of those conversions I mentioned. Which with the good grace of Fortune I'll finish before the end of the decade.

These two chaps started out as Sudanese warriors with drums. I've add a\ hooded cloak (not rather successfully) to one and a Martian-Mohican style hair cut with Martian ears. As they are barefooted a little bit of green stuff for the "Martian big toe". Most importantly the drums become baskets. One for bread the other for fruit.

These two chaps will get Martian ears or turbans and either items to push or carry or maybe just loads on their backs.

These three once warriors are simple sailors with no more weapons than the odd knife and some rope. Though are the moment the one on your rights looks like he has a string of sausages.

To add another option how about the new Frostgrave Archipelago Tribal warband set for a conversion option.

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